The Bernard Fan Fic Shrine

"I'm the Head Elf. I don't hafta deliver bad news. It's one of the perks of my seniority."

I am terribly sorry, but I am not accepting any more fan fics. I don't have time to keep up with them all.

Holiday Crisis
By: Shmeilia Rockie

Yule Time Cheer
By: Hellcat

The Elf Clause
By: Crescent Dreamweaver

The Christmas Cat
By: Vickietori

Winter Troubles
By: Shea Ashley

The webmistress is in no way connected to Disney. The Santa Clause movies and the SC characters are owned by Disney, not Shmeilia Rockie or any of the writers featured here. All original fictional characters belong to their respective owners and should not be used without permission. The webmistress would also like to apologize to any colorblind persons who cannot read these works due to her excessive use of the color red. Thank you.